Register : S Filename : B132401 Title : ? Date : ? Time : ? Recording device : wlk Length of conversation : 3.26 Word count : 317 County : Greater London Locality : Hackney Setting : bus Activity : ? Type of conversation : conversation Superfield : ? Subject/Topic : ? Individual subject : ? Spontaneity rating : 3 Audience size : 3 Background : lots of traffic noise and sound from bus engine Identifier : 1 Name : Peter Gender : m Age : 14 First Language : BrE Dialect : London Occupation : student Education : still studying Social Group : 2 Relationship to respondent : respondent Other relationships : friend2 friend3 Background : ? Identifier : 2 Name : Tom Gender : m Age : 15 First Language : BrE Dialect : London Occupation : student Education : still studying Social Group : ? Relationship to respondent : friend Other relationships : friend3 Background : ? Identifier : 3 Name : Rob Gender : m Age : 13 First Language : BrE Dialect : London Occupation : student Education : still studying Social Group : ? Relationship to respondent : friend Other relationships : friend2 Background : ?
Soon&RR; find&VVI; out&RP;,&YCOM; cos&CS; you&PPY; do&VD0; it&PPH1; all&DB; the&AT; morning&NNT1; and&CC; stuff&NN1;.&YSTP; Have&VH0; you&PPY; started&VVN; it&PPH1;?&YQUE; Yeah&UH;.&YSTP; Oh&UH;!&YEX; Do&VD0;n't&XX;.&YSTP; See&VV0; that&DD1; was&VBDZ; so&RG; easy&JJ;.&YSTP; You&PPY; do&VD0;n't&XX; need&VVI; to&TO; work&VVI; it&PPH1; out&RP; you&PPY; just&RR; sit&VV0; That&DD1;'s&VBZ; alright&JJ;.&YSTP; all right&RR;,&YCOM; I&PPIS1; sat&VVD; down&RP; and&CC; visualized&VVD; it&PPH1; and&CC; then&RT; did&VDD; it&PPH1;.&YSTP; And&CC; now&RT; I&PPIS1; still&RR; se&FU; need&VV0; to&TO; do&VDI; a&AT1; couple&NN1; more&DAR; drawings&NN2;.&YSTP; You&PPY; go&VV0; you&PPY;'re&VBR; going&VVG; so&RG; slow&JJ;.&YSTP; Besides&RR; if&CS; you&PPY; did&VDD;n't&XX; understand&VVI;,&YCOM; how&RRQ; to&TO; work&VVI; out&RP; that&DD1;,&YCOM; questions&NN2; are&VBR; asked&VVN; straight away&RR;.&YSTP; He&PPHS1;'s&VBZ; seriously&RR; deficient&JJ; inⅈ what&DDQ; he&PPHS1; should&VM; be&VBI; learning&VVG; cos&CS;,&YCOM; he&PPHS1; should&VM; know&VVI; that&DD1; at least&RR;.&YSTP; But&CCB;,&YCOM; shit&NN1; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN;ta&TO; do&VDI; another&DD1; registration&NN1;.&YSTP; What&DDQ;?&YQUE; I&PPIS1; mean&VV0; not&XX; another&DD1; registration&NN1; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN;ta&TO; do&VDI; another&DD1; matrix&NN1;.&YSTP; Yeah&UH; but&CCB;,&YCOM; you&PPY;'ve&VH0; got&VVN; the&AT; cards&NN2; have&VH0;n't&XX; you&PPY;?&YQUE; Mm&UH;.&YSTP; Yeah&UH; I&PPIS1; have&VH0; them&PPHO2;.&YSTP; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN;ta&TO; finish&VVI; one&MC1; as well&RR;.&YSTP; We&PPIS2; got&VVN;ta&TO; finish&VVI; a&AT1; wo&FU; a&AT1; got&VVN;ta&TO;,&YCOM; finish&VVI; the&AT; work&NN1; onⅈ a&AT1; book&NN1;,&YCOM; and&CC; then&RT; do&VDI; the&AT;,&YCOM; test&NN1; and&CC; answers&NN2;,&YCOM; and&CC; then&RT; do&VDI; a&AT1; whole&JJ; matrix&NN1;.&YSTP; When&RRQ; for&IF;?&YQUE; When&RRQ; for&IF;?&YQUE; Friday&NPD1;.&YSTP; Not&XX; yeah&UH; for&IF; next&MD; week&NNT1;.&YSTP; I&PPIS1; got&VVN; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN; a&AT1; we&FU; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN; ten&MC; days&NNT2; to&TO; do&VDI; that&DD1; inⅈ.&YSTP; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN;ta&TO; bring&VVI; it&PPH1; in&RP; onⅈ Tuesday&NPD1;.&YSTP; Where&RRQ; d'&VD0;ya&PPY; get&VVI; on&RP; you&PPY; dickhead&NN1;?&YQUE; Yeah&UH;.&YSTP; Does&VDZ;n't&XX; it&PPH1; talk&VV1;?&YQUE; Ah&UH;!&YEX; Alright&JJ; Rob&NP1;?&YQUE; Yeah&UH;.&YSTP; And&CC; where&RRQ; were&VBDR; you&PPY; this&DD1; morning&NNT1; then&RT;,&YCOM; for&IF; work&NN1;?&YQUE; You&PPY; were&VBDR;n't&XX; inⅈ Geography&NN1;.&YSTP; When&RRQ;?&YQUE; Just&RR; now&RT;.&YSTP; Well&RR;,&YCOM; well&RR;,&YCOM; someⅅ people&NN; did&VDD;n't&XX; bring&VVI; their&APPGE; coats&NN2; in&RP; today&RT;.&YSTP; Cos&CS; we&PPIS2;'re&VBR; so&RG; tough&JJ;!&YEX; Glad&JJ; I&PPIS1; did&VDD; bring&VVI; a&AT1; coat&NN1; though&RR;.&YSTP; But&CCB; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; go&FU; I&PPIS1; still&RR; got&VVN; about&RG; two&MC; hours&NNT2;,&YCOM; at least&RR;,&YCOM; er&FU;,&YCOM; [ to&TO; do&VDI;.&YSTP; ] [ All&DB; of&IO; us&PPIO2; are&VBR; ] doing&VDG; the&AT; rest&NN1;.&YSTP; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN;ta&TO;,&YCOM; right&RR;,&YCOM; I&PPIS1;'ve&VH0; got&VVN;ta&TO; do&VDI; at least&RR; erm&FU;,&YCOM; Are&VBR; you&PPY; sure&JJ;?&YQUE; Yeah&UH;.&YSTP; What&DDQ; day&NNT1; is&VBZ; it&PPH1;,&YCOM; Thursday&NPD1;?&YQUE; I&PPIS1; like&VV0; the&AT; way&NN1; you&PPY; just&RR; .&YSTP; Well&RR; this&DD1; advertising&NN1;,&YCOM;